Brain Teasers, Puzzles and Games
How smart do you really think you are?

The best classical and modern brain teasers ever created are here.  You will find puzzles that those in Mensa have to go crying to their teacher for the answer.  They are not impossible, nor do they take astrophysics or a high IQ to solve.  However, you have to think, or sometimes think outside of the box to solve these puzzles.  You might even have to leave the room the box is in so you can get a fresh perspective on the brain teaser.

Some questions are easy; some are hard.  Some pages are just for enjoyment.  If you like the questions, please forward this website address to your friends.  I would greatly appreciate it.

At the begining of each month I will post some answers and a new set of questions.  You can go directly to the new questions by clicking on the last archive month below. 

Good luck.
(more answers coming for August)

Archive 2007: Aug    Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul

You can email us here with suggestions or questions. Bookmark us and come back anytime.
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